My living room – the update!

Living Room

Our living room is definately better.  More or less it’s similar to my previous numbers posting.  We have removed most of the video games out of this room. (now in the family room)

We kept the PS3 in this room so we can watch netflix and movies.  I liked the bins so much in my daughter’s room that I bought one for the living room.  I chose not to put the top two baskets in so that I could use the shelves as a place to display my favorite Christmas decorations.  I could never be a minimalist with no Christmas decorations but I did realize that I also don’t need four totes full.

Usually our living room is plastered with holiday stuff to where it’s overwhelming.  not so much this year.

As you can tell there is quite a bit less here than before.  7 of our favorite Christmas decorations are on the two shelves but my snowman sitting on the floor next to Jack’s bed.  The PS3, two controllers, tv controller and surge protector make up the other items pictured.  Want to know what’s in the basket?  Two Christmas collection DVD sets for easy access!  Hanging on the wall is my TV and my picture frame.  It seems cord heavy in the picture but we will have to make due.

Second view – our Christmas tree full of ornaments and a newly aquired tree topper to replace our beloved but broken tree topper.  our snowman tree skirt, a wooden santa, our recliner with my husband’s sweatshirt and coat.  Two pictures hang on the wall – will be moving them to a better location eventually.  Hidden behind the recliner are two folding tables for when we have parties for my daughter.

This is what you see when you walk into our living room.  our couch was moved because my husband wanted to see the tv better so it no longer rests flat against the wall.  my laptop and a tiger pillow on the couch and my cat sleeping.  9 pictures hanging on the wall and blinds but nothing hanging from the ceiling anymore.  Our cat’s tower against the wall.

behind the couch – jack’s crate with his blankets, toys and treats.  Our bench to the kitchen table and 4 of my daughter’s favorite toys for Christmas.

Hidden on the window sill are about 15 acorn squash and mini pumpkins.  I’m going to have to throw these in the woods soon as they will be rotten before long.

So another glimpse of my life – not minimalist, not a hoarder but comfortable and lived in.  My living room makes me happy

Some before glimpses

I know it’s not much in the way of before pictures but I’ve been looking for before pictures for some of the rooms.  I don’t have any before Fly Lady pictures inside the house because we lost our external hard drive and I of course didn’t have things backed up and I was also very careful not to take pictures of the clutter.  I used to be very good at stashing clutter if I knew people were coming over.  I think this is how my family room got so bad.  I think this is also how “hidden” clutter got so bad too.

Here is the corner of the living room on a “good” day.  It is decorated for Halloween (spider webs and witch cat).  We’ve already decluttered quite a bit by the time this picture was taken as this book shelf used to house much more video games.  There also used to be another shelf – yes – two shelves hanging out on top of a coffee table blocking our second entrance to our home.

This was considered really good to me.  Since this picture was taken we’ve gotten rid of the wooden box under the table, the table, the book shelf and a good number of items included in this picture.

Leave it to my daughter to have some of the best “bad” pictures.  The picture below is a good example – the left side of the picture shows the box spring “hidden” behind my dresser and the tall piece of furniture on top of my dresser is the 9 bin rack that used to be full of clutter.  There used to be two of these 4 foot tall mirrors chilling behind furniture in my living room.

Below is a self portrait my daughter took.  It’s completely normal to have two coffee tables right next to each other right?  This room also had two couches and a recliner for a family of 3.  if you look you’ll see that the tables block the usage of one of the recliners on the couch.  this picture was taken on a very good day.  notice the paper lanterns?  not party decorations – every day decorations.

Wow – this is after I found and started following Fly Lady.  This was good.  Notice the television ontop of the television?  yeah – (heavy sarcasam) i tricked ya with the busy quilt right?  there is usable floor space so this definately was a good day.

My couch – on a bad day.  In the past this is what you might find if you stopped by unannounced.  I would say I was in the “middle” of reorganizing.

if these pictures have shocked you into a state of shock here is the after pics blog link.

Funny thing is – these aren’t even pictures of the room at its worst.  I guess I really have come a long way!


Number of things in my living room

I’ve always been fasinated by people who are minimalists.  If you’ve read any of my blog you’ll know that I’m more of a hoarder than minimalist but I have the desire to downsize.  Just out of shear curiousity I decided to count the number of items in my living room (in a non-compulsory, imperfect way).  I’ve worked really hard in my living room and have gotten it to a place where I am comfortable in it.  We’ve gotten rid of tons of stuff from this room.  It feels open and usable which is the way a living room should feel.

I did not count the little area that is just off of the living room though it may be considered part of the room?  I don’t know.

What I found interesting is that there is a large number of items on the walls alone.  Including the two smoke alarms, the blinds and the curtain rod (no curtains) there are 20 items on the walls.  There are 13 picture frames on the wall.  It really doesn’t feel like that many items are hanging up. (TV is also hanging up – did not count the wall mount or the cords).

There is 6 pieces of furniture in my living room though it does not feel like this much.  There is the couch and recliner. There is also the gaming shelves and the television stand that doesn’t have a television on it.  Behind the couch is a folding table that we use instead of a coffee table (we started out with two coffee tables in this room – both gifts).  Behind the recliner is a folding child’s chair that my daughter loves.

The picture looks cluttered I know but it works for us right now.  Here is where the majority of our items are in our living room.  18 items for the game systems (if you count assorted cords as one item), 48 games combined for the systems, an all in one printer. a tv remote, 3 movies in their cases and then a small pile of dvds without cases, the two vases with my anniversary flowers and 6 candles (down from over 30 when I started).

Also in the living room is our pet section – the dog’s items (crate, bedding – 4 items, wicker basket with 10 toys and a sweater and a container of dog treats.) and then the cat’s items (her tower and 14 small toys inside).

If you include the rotating fan and the quilt over the recliner it adds up quickly.

  • 20 wall items
  • 6 furniture items
  • 118 assorted items (gaming stuff, tv stuff, vases, candles, etc)

Which adds up to 142 items total for one room.  crazy isn’t it?

I think what makes it not seem so bad is that 82 of these items pictured in the first photo and then 35 pictured in the second and these areas take up relatively little space in the largest room of our room.

I found this exercise to be interesting and eye opening.  I am happy with the items in this room.  There are cosmetic fixes such as minor patch work to the walls and a new coat of paint.  eventually we are going to replace the carpet and the trimwork to the doorways.  I could only imagine how many items were in this room before I found flylady, Clean House and then Miss Minimalist.  I don’t think I even want to know.  (two more bookshelves, a nintendo, super nintendo, 64, sega genesis, playstation 2 – tons of games to go with those systems, board games, and quite a bit more – as Niecy Nash would say – Mayhem and foolishness!)

Finished Living Room! (does the cat count in the number?)

I hope you enjoyed a personal glance into my progress.  No longer the living room of a hoarder.  Look at all that floor space!!!!!!!